Kissing Bridge Ski Patrol
Glenwood, NY
Help Raise Money for the Patrol is the search engine with a unique social mission.It’s powered by Yahoo!, so you get the same great search results, but after you designate the Kissing Bridge Ski Patrol as your charity of choice, each time you do a search, GoodSearch makes a donation to the KB Patrol!
They donate 50% of advertising revenue to the nonprofits and schools selected by their users, which amounts to a penny per search.
Just go to and be sure to enter Kissing Bridge Ski Patrol as the charity you want to support. Just 50 of us searching four times a day will raise about $730 in a year without anyone spending a dime! And be sure to spread the word to friend s and family – anyone can
use it!
On the GoodSearch home page you can check to see how much we are credited with and you can also download a link to GoodSearch for your browser toolbar to make it even easier to remember to use it. So far, we are the only Ski Patrol to be registered. Let's get searching and rack up those pennies! is the new online marketplace that donates a percentage of your online purchase to the charity or school of your choice (the KB Patrol, of course!). You can choose from hundreds of popular online merchants and the experience of shopping through GoodShop is the same as going to the retailer directly.